HATEBREED To Debut Two New Tracks On Upcoming Tour
October 7, 2005HATEBREED frontman Jamey Jasta recently spoke to MTV.com about his two side projects — ICEPICK, with CROWN OF THORNZ and SKARHEAD frontman Lord Ezec; and KINGDOM OF SORROW, known formerly as CROWBREED, with CROWBAR singer/guitarist Kirk Windstein.
"I had to get these two other records out of my system," he said, referring to debut LPs by ICEPICK (which should be in stores before the end of the year through his Stillborn imprint) and KINGDOM OF SORROW (which will drop early next year). "With ICEPICK, we just wanted to do a classic, real straightforward hardcore record. We're sort of paying tribute to all the New York hardcore bands that influenced me, like SICK OF IT ALL, AGNOSTIC FRONT, LEEWAY, KILLING TIME. It's different from HATEBREED — it's not down-tuned. And KINGDOM OF SORROW, I was able to do stuff I would never do in HATEBREED. It's still brutal, it's still totally heavy, but I actually do have some melodic vocals in there — it's pretty gruff, so it's not like I'm crooning. It's just stuff I wouldn't do in HATEBREED because it's just a different emotional experience."
Jasta also told MTV.com that HATEBREED plan on test-driving two new tracks — "Spitting Venom" and "Defeatist" — on their upcoming month-long 10 Years of Brutality Tour to commemorate a decade as a band,
The monthlong trek will run up and down the Eastern seaboard and extend slightly into the Midwest before ending, appropriately, with a pair of gigs in the Nutmeg State: November 25 and 26 in New Haven, Connecticut, with SKARHEAD, ALL OUT WAR, NEGLECT and ONE 4 ONE the first night, and CONVERGE, CROWBAR, SUBZERO and IRATE the next.
"We're just going to see how the kids react and give them a taste of something new," Jasta said. "We've had a ton of song ideas done for a while yet, but being on the road and not having an actual producer lined up has sort of delayed [this record]. We have our eyes set on some bigger names [for a producer], and we'll see what pans out. In a dream world, it would be nice to maybe get someone like Rick Rubin, who's obviously a much sought-after person. Either way, we're going to experiment with new formulas. We won't do anything that's too out of our realm. After a decade of playing this style, we're an institution in the scene where you wouldn't want to go rock the boat or disappoint any of our diehard fans. But to challenge ourselves as artists and look for new avenues to go down, we're definitely going to do that. Just nothing that'll be too out of left field."